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About Me
Portfolio Hadrien Belleville

About Me

Hadrien Belleville

Student in Master's Degree of

Computer Sciences

Game Engine

Bassist, Saxophonist, Guitarist ... 

Main Inspirations, all categories included: 

  • Dark Souls (Video Game Licence by Fromsoftware)
  • Berzerk (Manga by Kentarō Miura)
  • Utagawa Hiroshige (Birth name, Andō Tokutarō. Japanese engraver and painter)
  • The Raven (Poem written by Edgar Allan Poe)
  • The Lord of the Rings (Epic high-fantasy novel by J. R. R. Tolkien)

Games that made an impact on me

"Age of Empires II" was my inaugural gaming experience, and I still return to it, especially after the fourth installment's focus on historical accuracy. Beyond the strategic challenge, what captivates me is the franchise's immersive journey through different historical eras.

I'm drawn to Rogue-Like games, and 'Risk of Rain II' has truly captured my attention. Its seamless fusion of accessibility with high-octane gameplay is outstanding. The interplay of character abilities and item combinations offers a gratifying array of build options, ensuring each run is a unique journey. Whether solo or with friends, the enjoyment remains undiminished.

 'Divinity: Original Sin II' is my standout find of the year, captivating me with its compelling narrative, captivating music, and immersive gameplay. The meticulously crafted characters, intricate storylines, and player-driven world left a profound impression. As a devoted RPG enthusiast, I reveled in exploring its vast universe, uncovering the complex relationships within my party and the vibrant NPCs that bring this world to life.